7 Ways to Give Your Fresh Vegetables a Long Shelf Life

August 8, 2022

Storing your newly picked or newly bought vegetables the right way greatly helps in keeping them fresh and safe to eat. Some vegetables require to be stored in the fridge to maintain their freshness, and some vegetables are best stored at a certain room temperature to keep them fresh. To find out more about how to store fresh vegetables, here are 7 ways that might come in handy in giving your fresh vegetables long shelf life.

Separate Fruits and Vegetables in Different Drawers

One of the most important ways to give your fresh vegetable a long shelf life is to separate the fruits and vegetables into different drawers. This is because the probability of ethylene build-up in the fridge is high which can cause spoilage to your newly picked of newly bought fresh fruits and vegetables. To avoid spoilage, store in a drawer those vegetables that are sensitive to ethylene gas, which is a ripening agent, away from ethylene gas producers.

Put a box of Baking Soda in the Fridge

You can also put a box of baking soda in your fridge to serve as an odour and moisture absorber. Fresh vegetables when constantly exposed to moisture speeds up their ripening stage and a bad odour can affect the taste of the fresh vegetables and the other food stored in your fridge.

Refrain from Washing the Fresh Vegetables Before Storing

Another way to give your fresh vegetables a long shelf life is to refrain from washing the fresh vegetables before storing them. Putting fresh vegetables in the fridge immediately after rinsing them makes them more prone to bacterial growth. Thus, it is very important to dry the fresh vegetables beforehand and wrap them in paper towels before placing them in the fridge and prevent the moisture to speed up the ripening process which can potentially affect the texture and taste of your vegetables.

Wrap the Fresh Vegetable in Paper Towel

Greens can have a long shelf life if they are rinsed and then wrapped in a paper towel. Wrapping fresh vegetables in dry paper towels absorbs the excess water and moisture after rinsing. This technique helps in making your leafy greens, tomatoes, onions, and pepper last longer.

Place Root Crops and Bulbs in A Dark Plastic Bag

It is also recommended that you put root crops and bulbs in a dark plastic bag since they tend to easily sprout when exposed to sunlight.

Put Away Damaged Vegetables

To give your fresh vegetables a long shelf life, you need to look for damaged or about to be spoiled vegetables. In this way, you can put away damaged vegetables from the other ones to avoid them affecting and spoiling the latter. Thus, it is highly recommended that you inspect all the vegetables beforehand to avoid contamination.

Store Herbs in A Cup of Cold Water

Storing your herbs in a cup of cold water is like putting your flowers in a vase to give them a long shelf life and prolong their freshness.

For fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains, fresh fruit juices, and other healthy produce delivered to your doorstep, you can buy online through our Fresho app link, just CLICK HERE!

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