Ask Fruitique Wholesale: Tips and Tricks to Best Keep Your Fruits and Vegetables Fresh

July 23, 2021

Storing fruits and vegetables properly to maintain their freshness longer is simple and fast. Different types of produce need different storage methods, which fall into three easy categories: freezing, refrigerating or storing at relatively cool room temperature in a dry place. In general, all preparations of fruits and veggies should be performed right before you plan to use them for meals.

In other words, the less fuss, the better, until preparing your favorite salads or cooked dishes. It is always best to wait to wash or rinse the surfaces of most types of produce until you are ready to prepare them for serving. However, lettuce leaves and other greens are exceptions to this rule since they will last best when rinsed well before storing.       

Tips and Tricks to Best Keep Your Fruits and Vegetables Fresh


Storing fresh fruits and vegetables in your home freezer is a convenient and easy method of preserving produce at its ideal maturity and height of nutritional value. Most fruits can be successfully stored by freezing, and the majority of veggies will save longer when frozen as well. However, most produce experts do not recommend freezing eggplant, lettuce, Belgian endive, potatoes (unless already mashed), sweet potatoes, sprouts, radishes or artichokes. If you happen to forget and freeze any of these items of produce, thaw and use them as soon as possible for best culinary results and enjoyment.


Nearly all fruits and vegetables can be stored in your fridge. To keep apples fresh longer, be sure to refrigerate them since they will soften as much as ten times more rapidly when kept at room temperature. All types of fresh berries should be stored in the refrigerator. However, rhubarb can be kept in the fridge or freezer with good results. Asparagus needs to be refrigerated after wrapping in moist paper towel or pastry paper, and it will often stay fresher when you place the stalks in a glass of cold water. You can also protect the natural moisture and freshness of produce by storing these items in the crisper drawer of your fridge.

Storing at Room Temperature

Such items of produce as bananas, lemons, limes, tomatoes and potatoes should be stored at room temperature in a cool, dry place in your kitchen or adjoining pantry. Potatoes require very good ventilation for maintaining freshness. Both mushrooms and eggplant keep best when stored at cool room temperature, and eggplant should be used for meal preparation within a couple of days after you purchased it for optimal freshness. 

When you buy fresh produce for stocking your food store or produce market from Fruitique Wholesale, a New South Wales specialist wholesaler located in Alexandria, NSW, you will be providing ultimate quality produce for all your customers. Our fresh produce experts also understand the importance of proper storage of fruits and vegetables for maintaining their optimal freshness for longer, and our experienced professionals will provide their knowledge and insights on this subject for the great benefit of you and your valued customers.

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